Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Friday, October 22, 2010


We are SOOO happy!! Jestin's cataract eye surgery was a complete success! He came out of the operating room with tears down his cheeks... HE CAN SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went to the follow up appointment and his surgeon was amazed! Jestin's vision is now 20/20!!!!!! He really didn't think we would get it that good... and definately NOT on the day after surgery!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! We are so thrilled!! What a miracle in our lives. It means more than we can ever express....

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf. We felt them and appreciate them sooooo much!!

Jes' eye is tender and scratchy today... but it's awesome to see him walking around without his lens on that side of this glasses! LOL They also said that now that they can see behind the eye (you know...since they aren't peering through the snowy cataract) that the laser repair for his Retinopathy looks FAB-O! They think that he will have a long term outcome that could save his eyesight for quite some time to come. :)

We are now ready to get going on the other eye.... 4 weeks is a long time to wait to have it all completed and behind him. We are SO looking forward to the resolve. What a miracle in our lives!!!!!!!!!! WE FEEL SO HUMBLED AND THANKFUL....