Month of Gratitude 2012
I have been great about posting my gratitude on Facebook, but there is no way of really journaling off of Facebook, so I am superimposing my little daily posts here.
Here are the days I have missed so far:
Month of Gratitude Day #14 - I am thankful for best friends... from my first (Corinne) to my Jr High ones (Jennifer & Jayne) to my High School (Tracy) to my sweetheart (Jestin) to my cousins (Nikki & Kathy) to my newlywed-years ones (Jill & Lisa) to ones that have moved away (Amy) plus my baby sister, my Ma, my baby girl and all the people I hold dear in my heart and cherish everyday. As I have grown I have many many "best" friends... because you are all the best! My life would not be the same without each one of you! ♥ And I am thankful for your influences in my life...