Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pack Night & Shakespeare Showcase

We had a busy night!  Both Caleb's Pack Night and Cody's Shakespeare Showcase were on the same night (and Jes had class!) so there was a bit of running involved to attend and support both!

Caleb read about George Washington
Then the scouts tried to get their Cub Scout Master, Brother Porter, to draw what they were drawing in the air...
It was pretty hard!
The boys were WAY excited to have Bishop Day give it a go...
He had multiple boys "instructing" him... so he got two pens going!
It looked absolutely nothing like what they were trying to get him to draw! But the boys ate it up! What good sports!
Caleb's leader didn't get his advancements turn in on time, so he didn't get his awards... so off we ran to Cody's performance...
Cody played "Norfolk", assistant to the King, in this scene.

He did a good job! I couldn't get many photos because of the lighting and him moving so fast (LOL) but we were glad to make it in time to see him perform.
They leave tomorrow for the Shakespeare Festival and competition in Cedar City!