Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, September 24, 2007

Our Camping Trip - Sept. 2007

We have had an awesome weekend! Our new Bishop's Family & 4 other families in our ward decided to do an inproptu Camping excursion and we were invited to join them! We went up the Nebo Loop to an awesome little spot! The kids played hard, we stayed up way too late, and we ate way too much junk! It was a BLAST!

"OOOOO Momma!!! I Sticky!"

Caleb loved all the treats...especially raw marshmellows! (yuck!)


& her little group of Neighbor Friends

Even Sophie got to come! She loved all the attention...and she is the best little heater when you are cold in your sleeping bag....LOL!

Cody & his friend Josh playing games....

"MMMM...D O R I T O S..."

Cam played so hard he was asking to go to bed way early! He LOVED exploring! Sadly though, his digital Littlest Pet Shop Bunny kept "jumping" out of his pocket...and the morning we left, after being found once already, it went missing for good. :( He was a very sad boy. Who knew Dad was soo smart when he told Cam to leave in it the Expedition so it wouldn't get lost...multiple times....

....hard lesson learned...we hope! :)

"was' a matter Caleb?" - Cody is such a good brother...

We can't wait to go again!!!!!!!



Looks like you had so much fun! I love the hat!


Heather that is awesome. Your family looked like they had a blast. When you see how they look in their pictures it makes all the planning and hard work worth every minute.


I never knew just how much work my mom did for us when we went camping until suddenly I was doing it myself! Looks like you guys had a blast. Where on the Nebo Loop? We've been to Tinney Flat and had planned to go to BlackHawk, but our friends all freaked out about the bears.


LOL! We went 11.3 miles from Peteet Neet. Bwahahaha! I have no idea what it was called! It was so much fun!