Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This gratitude girl is counting her blessings. There are many in need around me and I have been in a position to help many of them in many different ways. Being an instrument in the hands of the Lord has been an interesting and wonderous place to be. I am feeling very grateful for that the last few weeks. My life was so difficult and depressing just such a short time felt like it would never change...and now look! We are not only employed...but we are both successfully self-employed, our kids health has been's been over a year since one of the kids has been in the hospital with asthma/pneumonia stuff. My health, even though it has given me a run around lately, has been so much better. We own a new home that we love! We are in a busy active ward where we are making new friends everyday! Our kids have many friends and can go outside safely and play every evening if they want to! They are all doing quite well in school! Fences are being mended with family we have missed. The whirlwind has died down for us...and I am so immensely grateful and humbled that I get to enjoy this small window of peace...or maybe now I can enjoy this chaos enough because of past trials that it feels like peace? Who knows? I am just very content and completely full of thanksgiving for the blessings and miracles in my life!

It's crazy but be are in desperate need of electricians. Jess is still a one man band, but he has 11...yes you saw that right...11 jobs going on right now...and they all have dealines looming. And the phone just keeps ringing with more...which is GREAT! I am so not complaining...I am so is just hard to see Jess so stretched thin with no one to really help him. I am hoping to find the phone number for the employment specialist here in the stake and get the word out...someone close that Jess could pick up on the way out would be perfect!

I am doing amazing! I am loving having some sense of control back over my life. I got a wild hair yesturday and decided to paint my one kitchen wall yesterday about 5 pm. I was done in 10 minutes! (I love my new little edgin' paintin''s SLICK! I did the whole end of the kitchen with it!) So then I did the second wall too! Love it. It is not as brown as I was hoping for...but even the color that it is it adds so much character and warmth! I love paint! And colors!

I am starting to think about Christmas. I am wondering what I am going to do. There are many things I could do...but I am feeling an unbelievable urge to simplify, and to make it not as extravaggent as it has been in the past...even from/for family and friends. I want my kids to cut down on the "gimme"s. I am tired of the holiday being about "things" I want it to be about feelings, family, the Spirit, and the meaning. Whether or not I can accomplish this...we shall see....

Anyway...randomness...but these are the things I am thinking...bwahahaha