Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Seeing pink...while making red and green...

What a nice break for our family... :)
Sadly, the males of the household all contracted "Pink Eye" this last Sunday...
...but it gave us the rare chance to slow down and enjoy a quiet day at home together... the kids wanted to put up our tree...
They worked together...

Played in the boxes...

ate our "traditional" chocolate orange sticks...

Counted lights under the tree...

Caleb got to put up the star this year...
A tradition from my childhood is everyone gets a new ornament each year from something significant in their lives...

Emmalee got a guiter, as she got one for her birthday, and will be starting lessons soon...

Cameron got a snowman that is praticing addition because he started kindergarten this year and blew us away with his ability to do math...

Cody started Scouts this year and has almost read his entire Scout book front to back...he loves it!
(if mom could ever remember that it's at 6 pm on thrusday nights! ack!)

And of course Caleb got a tractor... well duh! LOL!

It was such a wonderful day! We laughed and played and listened to Christmas tunes. We sure missed church...but it was such a blessed quiet unscheduled day that this busy mom is tucking in her heart as a day to remember!



Yuck! Pink Eye must be going around because my neice has it too! And of course, I love the way you see the silver lining in EVERYTHING!

Oh, and great tradition with the ornaments! I love it!