Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God works in mysterious ways...

Today I am feeling VERY thankful in a very profound way for all the help in covering the costs for my heart surgery. I won't go into much detail because I think he is still processing it, but we learned yesterday that there are some things with my sweetheart (diabetes) that medically need taken care of ASAP. It CAN NOT wait. And it is scary. And here I think about the thought of facing this without having my surgery etc paid off. I think of the crushing burden it could have been. I think of the financial black hole we could have been in, and I am in awe. Heavenly Father knew this was coming. He knew we could not do this all. And He certainly knew we would not be ABLE to meet this need while still trying to meet all the previous. Now we can. It will not be nearly as expensive, but it will be long term medical needs...some extra each month that now we can handle because we dont have huge payments from me. I feel like I am going to burst with joy at the path we have been lead on. I feel like without all of you NONE of this would be possible. I am in tears as we face this next whirlwind... Heavenly Father loves me. He loves Jess. And He loves each of you... and so do I!! Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Another small miracle in our lives has been given. ((((HUGS))) And I am utterly in debt to you all for this peace I feel.