Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Scouting for Pumpkins...

In between coats of paint on the dining room wall...Gram (Mom-in-law) took us to the Pumpkin Patch to find some Halloween projects and to burn up some energy...

Who knew that picking a pumpkin could be such an ordeal! LOL!

Emmalee found hers quick!

Caleb...whos' favorite color is dirt...did *not* want a "pungkin" with dirt on it. It was "shucky"!

Maybe this one isn't so "shucky"?

Cam kept finding one...only to change his mind...again...and again...and again.... (sigh)

Cody found the perfect one for him!

He even carried all the way to the car by himself!

No! See Emma! There's dirt! This isn't the right one!

"there *has* to be one here that is just for me!"

Baby McKenly found hers! 'Course bein' a hick and eatin' straw was lots more fun!

In the end we had a wonderful time...everyone got "just the right one", and as an added bonus McKenly had herself a good dose of fiber for the day! (Just teasing mom!)
It was quite fun! We were tickled to find a "pick your own" patch with hay mazes and everything over here in Springville...just like the one in American Fork that shut down. We can keep our tradition that they love so much! There is just something nostalgic about picking it outta the patch yer'selves!!
Can't wait to carve!
The plans are being forged!
(and changed...and changed continues...)


The Valentine Fam

That looks like so much fun! I wanted to take Lucas to one. Where is the one in Springville?


On 400 south...the road Walmart is on...head towards town and you can't miss it!


I love reading your blog. I had a lot to catch up on too! You always make me smile, laugh,and feel good about being a mom all at the same time. The only bad part is that it makes me miss you and your family! I guess we can't have it all- can we?! Don't forget to check out my blog once in a while either!