Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Here we are hanging out in camp while Dad took Cam fishing. I am kicking myself I didnt get picks of Cam doing his breathing treatments on the the front steps of the camper out in the wild blue yonder! Darn. Makes me all the more grateful for JWD's first official debt! *grin*

The pups kept being put in the camper. Our little Zoey is not good at camping yet. She barked at e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. If they had a hat...she barked. If they stood up to go get a drink...she barked. If the wind caught the trees...well...yeah. She barked. LOL. Silly dog.

Caleb and his bestest buddy... dirty!

Hey Gram...don't let Papa see these pics man! That face is a mess!

Emma and one of her bestest buddies too! It was a wonderful escape from reality...even if it was only a few hours worth of nothing. It was still some time with nothing in it. And our little hospital guest got to go fishing both that evening and the next morning. He was thrilled!