Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We had a little incident...

This is Sophie. She is one of my "babies". She is a Daddy's girl. She is the biggest sweetheart you will ever meet. And we almost lost her.

Caleb was being a good brother and sharing. Sadly it was half a pint size jar of M&Ms he was sharing. And she was one happy pup! Sadly.

Within half an hour she was drooling and hanging her head and licking like crazy. I ran her to the vet, along with her sister Zoey, and the vet had to empty out the contents of both of their tummys (Zoe ate a few once I caught Caleb and Soph), give them both charcoal, and a shot, and some meds for here at home.

Zoey is no worse for wear. Sophie on the other hand seems a little "off" now. She has a more vacant look about her. She gets confused when you call her. She is just slow. It has been almost a week. I feel so horrible!! My poor baby!! They said chocolate effects them neorologically... *sigh* We are hopeful it will improve... but time will tell.

Sophie - Your mommy is so sorry she left the jar of M&Ms down where your brother could get them. She is sorry she was slow to respond to that prompting to check on you two sooner. She loves you very much and prays that you will recover fully.

Love ya Pup!!


Jonesy Rae Photography

I knew chocolate was bad, but I had no idea it was that dangerous. I hope she makes a full recovery over time...
loves from our house!