Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A sad weekend for us...

This is one of my dearest friends, Amy. She and I seemed to hit it off from the day she moved in ('course her son came marching down to see if the kids that lived with me were I had to go introduce myself before allowing them to gather in my house! LOL) From the moment I met her I knew we had been friends before.

We learned all sorts of canning and recipe ideas from each other. We blew up apricots, burnt things, made huge messes, squealed at the shots of applesauce/pearsauce while juicing, learned how to use different equipment together (from canning supplies, to camera's, to sewing machines) We have laughed together. Cried together. We ate yummy food together. We loved to get as many ladies in the neighborhood as we could together to chat and play! We grew a garden together and plotted and planned until it got to the point our husbands would just roll their eyes at us. We disciplined our kids together. She was here and always available to me during some of my most darkest hours, when everyone else was not, Amy was. Cold Stone or a newly tried home made treat was often shared between us on bad days. I have been so blessed to have her in my life these last couple of years! A friend like she has been to me is a true gift from Heaven Father!! And I am truly thankful for the sweet whispering through the veil so I knew as soon as I met her how much she really meant to me. I know she was sent here at this time to be here when I needed her... and vise versa.

Amy's husband finished school this spring. He found a job... in Ely. They drove away, no longer to be just 2 doors down, yesterday afternoon.... and they took not only my friend, but 3 of my children's best friends with them. :(

Henry & Cody

Cameron & Ema
Caleb & Liza (And missing is Sammy)
We are so very happy for them in their new adventures... and we will be friends for eternity! (Thank heavens for unlimited long distance minutes on cell phones! LOL) We are just SO going to miss them... especially next week when my little Caleb doesn't understand that his Sammy and Liza cannot play with him whenever he wants them anymore! LOL

A couple of weeks before they left we had one last short "Happiness" blitz. We ate one of our favorites for lunch - quesadillas and black bean salsa!

And we canned the meat from her freezer for better transport!

We browned the Roast (oh did it smell good!)

We stuffed jars full of chicken...

The beef actually looks edible! LOL

The chicken, as always, looks a little "science experiment"-ish! LOL
We will miss you Sorensen Family!!! We wish you all the very best in your new home town!! Thanks for all the great memories here in Spanish Fork!!



That is always so hard to lose your best neighborhood friend. I hope you guys will always stay good friends. It sounds like she was a great friend.