Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, August 24, 2009

The days following...

THANKYOU so very much for all the well wishes. My heart is so full! Really? I just feel really silly..."Hello...My name is Heather and Yes! I shot myself with my son's epipen!" LOL.

I can't help but feel dumb, but am trying to not. In my Priesthood Blessing I was told that this was not a freak accident and that it happened for a purpose... Honestly I don't wonder if maybe it had not have happened if Cam would have needed it and it would have malfunctioned then and then I would have been no help to him AND his medicine would be gone!? Not a fun thought process... but a miracle all in and of itself to think about.

At any rate, it is all over now, and I am feeling better by the hour. I am exhausted (yet not sleepy :P) and have some stiff muscles, my heart still aches some (I think it's from the scar tissue inside my heart being stretched with a rapid heart rate), the back of my head has a sore spot (concrete really *is* quite hard... did you know?) and my thumb, of course, is tender! I keep forgetting (as it is my right hand thumb that I need for more things than I realize! *giggle*) and using it... but it is progressively less tender this evening. It is still a bit numb on one side...but I think it is the side that it hit the bone I wonder if there isn't some nerves that need to heal.

Can I just express the deep gratitude I feel for this life of mine? I can't even begin to explain how humbled I am that I get to stay here with my husband and kids. I am so lucky to have them! I had been playing into the pity party of life the last few weeks and suddenly none of the trivial FLUFF matters like it did!

I am married to a good man. He loves me deeply and fully. He is a human man, and makes mistakes, JUST LIKE ME. But he is also a tender, loving, spiritual being. He is a faithful son of God. And he is mine :)! I get to keep him for eternity if I quit trying to be hurt/picked on/taken for granted etc. Sheesh! What a tangled mess of lies the deceiver whispers into hearts!

I can't imagine my life without him... and my life is eternity. I saw a quote in an article I read in the Ensign this morning... it was in the middle of a paragraph... but is hit home in my soul.

Today is PART of eternity.

Why do I not live as if I was already there? Why do I not treat my sweetheart and kids and myself for that matter as if I was already there? I know "home is heaven on earth"... but I like Today is part of Eternity much better. THAT is what makes my home a heaven on earth. It's all in how I treat it... in my perspective and attitude!

I am writing this here in the hopes I will re-read it often to remember!

And thank you again, my dear friends and family, for EVERYTHING!! I am SO VERY BLESSED!