Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Backyard Updates

Amy & Becky ...this post is in honor of you! *grin*

Our chicken coop all completed and set up! :) Jestin wants to paint it before snow flies... I am thinking maybe an October project??

Here is the side doors... one for water, one for food and the long one on top opens to the laying boxes where the kids collect eggs.

The chickens LOVE weeds freshly pulled from the yard (at least we know they wont starve! LOL) The kids love climbing in the coop and playing with them...

They peck at their toes and sandals and the kids hold them and love on them... just like regular pets!

Mmmm.... I see toes!

Underneath the coop is a shady place for them (added shade is added by the plywood along front you saw just while we have such hot temps) and Jestin hung their food from the floor board so the kids can just shake down fresh seed and their water gets changed daily.

We have grasshoppers in abundance... but as well we have preying mantis'. We keep the later... and the first.... well...

The chickens run and chase to see who gets to actually eat the treat! *grin*

Jestin has peaches on his little tiny tree!

And a couple pears! No apples yet this year though :(

I have grape/cherry/pear tomatoes like crazy! But only ONE large tomato on all 14 plants so far!! :( Either I am going to have a HUGE crop late in the season... we did something really wrong! Nothing seems to work!

We have Zucchini coming out our ears! (Bless the Elder's Quorum President and his "share the wealth" table! If ya need some... check there... if I haven't made it over... check here if ya'd like some! ;) )

These are another sad disappointment... we have beautiful plants... and have not gotten even a pots worth of beans! I think we are short on honey bees!

Sadly... these are our weeds. As tall as the kids and almost as tall as the fruit trees! *blush* We hope to get another shot at the bobcat to plow down and get ready to do some sprinklers? We have all the supplies saved up from 2 years worth of jobs... just need to trench. :P

And the weeds where the shed will go... I am telling you what... after seeing what Jess can do with a chicken coop...! We are BUILDING a shed next spring! *WINK* Lucky man!