Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Playdate for Caleb

Caleb had a friend drop by first thing in the morning and they played hard! I could hear them from my office so I kept working on paperwork. I left them alone for about an hour without checking on them. I had no idea.....
that they were having SUCH a great time!! LOL

The lego totes, the lincoln log totes, all the cars tote, the Thomas Train tote.... ummm... yeah... it was a hoot!! I could only just laugh at myself for leaving them unattended! LOL

Caleb did help me clean it all up after his friend left, though I also discovered they had gotten hungry and the toys were all intermingled with soda cracker crumbs. They each had eaten their own sleeve of crackers! LOL

Ahhhh to be able to enjoy just making messes again.... what a good time!! :)