Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Here I am. It's 2am again. I can't sleep. I try. I really do. I just can't.

I have tons of fun pics I want to post to this... birthday parties, camping trips, easter etc. My cable for my little camera won't read in the new computer tower. Blast! So I uploaded them to the laptop... um.. yeah... why bother? The thumbnail to pick them from is TINY! And it keeps messing up because our touch pad is so sensitive and our wireless mouse is kaput. just get verbal updates for now. ;) Sorry...

It has been a busy week. Day 3, 4 & 5 of being alone are over. :) Good news. Bad news? Being without him on the weekends seems 10x harder than the weekdays! We have tried to stay busy though! I am organzing and de-junking like crazy. I have a bunch of stuff I am going to list on KSL to try and make some money as well as get rid of. I have organized all the books in the house. I have organized Jes and my closets and the boys closet. I did all the laundry from A-Z including putting it all away. I alphabetized our CD collection (YES!  I am bored and lonely ok??) and went through all our cassettes that we recorded back in the day and labeled and cleaned them out. My bedroom is almost all perfect, with the exception of a little more ironing...but I did a huge portion of that today!

However, amid all this lovely "kicking butt and taking names" motivation I tackled upstairs... my downstairs fell apart. I *love* having the kids home on days when I get in a groove. It almost makes it *not* worth it! LOL

Jestin is doing good. He is lonely too, but they are working hard. They put in 50 hours this week alone... and that was after driving down all day Monday! Not bad! I feel bad for him because he is staying with the guy he went down with's parents, and so he feels very odd man out. They are being super kind to him though! He has had a great breakfast everyday and a good dinner everynight! They are staying the parent's 5th wheel trailer and it is working out really well.

On an upnote... Jes did his first loads of laundry today!! My sweetheart is growing up! LOL! Actually I am a little nutty about the laundry... I like to do it for the most part... and I figure if I keep the laundry taken care of... then I don't have to learn about car maintenence! It is a good trade I think! I am excited for him to learn something new though... I always joked if anything ever happened to me someone was going to have to teach him how to do it! Tee hee hee!