Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Saturday, May 1, 2010


My boys.
I love this picture! They are so different...each of my boys.
Their personalities are completely different.
Their interests are completely different.
Their dreams are completely different.

And I love them all the same!
They are my future.
They are my work of art.
My gift from God, and my gift TO God.
I, as their mother, must teach them as did the mothers of the Strippling Warriors. These are my soldiers in the battle between good and evil on this earth in the last days. It is MY responsibility to help them cultivate the testimony that they need to suceed in their mortal missions. It is my responsibilty to help them be ready to fly from the nest, cut the apron strings, etc etc and stand on their own two feet and raise their own family and cherish their own sweet wife one day. I have the sacred responsibilty to teaching them how to treat others, how to be honest, how to meet lifes struggles!
And time is quickly slipping away! Cody will be 19, "ready" to go on a mission in 8 years! That is a blink of an eye in comparison to how long ago it feels like Cameron was born! If I blink I might miss it!
These are my "strippling warriors" of the last days... and I better make sure they KNOW so that they will not have fear, that they will go out and do what is required of them to bring to pass the goodness of God.
It is a daunting task... being the mother to 3 such amazing, smart and busy boys!! :)



I have to say oh I have felt that way. Maybe not to such an extent as you but I have had my struggles lately, especially after my husband got his calling as Elder's Quorum Pres. I sadly have not dove in and prayed as much, read my scriptutes or other uplifting things. Thanks for the reminder! I have to do my part too!

Kim (Gordon) Adams