Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Saturday, May 1, 2010


* I am sitting here with a hot pad on my chest and a warm laptop on my lap... and I am STILL cold!
* I gave into FarmVille (game on FACEBOOK) again while Jestin is away... thinking I should not have... I like to organize it WAY too much! LOL
* Emmalee's chest hurts, she is cold and she just lays here... it's Saturday and all her friends should be able to play today. She MUST really not feel well.
* I had a wonderful invitation to BYU Women's Conference this weekend. I wanted to go SO much. But I was a good girl and let my motherly responsibilities as a "single mom", my lack of funds and the guidance of the Spirit to talk me out of going. *sigh* NEXT YEAR! There is always next year...
* I really really really wanted to cut out all sugar and hit a workout routine hard while Jestin was gone on this CA job... sadly... I must admit... going without Jes was enough. I couldn't/can't do it. Sad huh?
* We have 4 new baby chicks! Well.. they are about a month old now. 3 Amerucunana's and 1 orphan-no-one-is-sure-what-I-am chick. They are so sweet!
* We love having fresh eggs!
* My clean house has gone wayward this week. It was almost spotless for Jes to come home last weekend... he left and I just didn't quite care as much...I really tried to... just couldn't find it in me. LOL
* I am tired of this particular trial... mostly because there are so few options to choose from to fix it. I want to be able to fix it... or even see the path that we should take! There seems only to be dead ends and answers of "be patient" and "just wait". Meanwhile it really feels like we are out of time. Interesting. If this wasn't my own life I wonder if I would learn more from it...??
* My garden is all plowed and ready to plant since last monday, but I have not been able to go outside to do anything in it because of the storms. My peas are fermenting on the kitchen counter... I wish I hadn't soaked them! LOL
* Jes is working hard down there. He sounds so tired each night.
* Pat (the guy he is working with)'s Mom got Jestin fried chicken and all the fixings, and a cheesecake for his birthday on tuesday while he was down there. It was SO very kind of her! I get teary just thinking about it.
* I cried almost all of Tuesday.
* During this cold snap I cleaned both my ovens! :) Go me!
* I also deep cleaned my kitchen floor. Of course, Caleb spilled peach drink all over it not even an hour later and Cam has since got paint on it! LOL The joys of motherhood! Tee hee hee
* The two older boys have the Pine Wood Derby this week... their Daddy will miss it. Luckily they have a great Uncle who is going to come and be their last minute helper if their cars need help! LOL
* My sweet neighbor brought me chocolate cookied filled with carmel... and I cannot stop craving them! YUM!!
* I am working on a cookbook for our ward. It really is so fun! I can't wait to have it all done!
* I have a pile of stuff in my livingroom to get rid of... wondering if I should try selling some of it (a few things I have listed with no calls) or just haul it to DI! LOL
* I need something tasty to eat... time to go figure out dinner... *sigh*

I really miss my sweetheart!!