Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

*Casting Enchantments*

This post has been swirling inside my head since late last night. Hopefully I can convey what is in my heart about it. ;) Before I get to the title of the post, I should probably tell you a story... you like stories don't you?
Ok. Well... here goes:
Once upon a time, in the not too far distant past there was a family. This family had 2 parents, who really tried to do all the things they were suppose to do. They loved God and wanted to keep His commandments. But it was hard. They pushed and battled to do all they knew the Lord asked of them. They had started patterns of habit for family scripture study, family prayer morning and night, couples prayers, as well as helping their children to have their own personal prayers, themselves included. They never ate a meal without asking the Lord to bless it. They were a little hit and miss with the event called Family Home Evening, but often squeaked in a quick story out of the Friend Magazine with a scoop of any ice cream left in the freezer for a treat afterwards. They also attended their meetings on Sunday and encouraged the children to participate in the activities offered to them each week. The Mom even strived to attend the temple at least every other week. And life seemed so happy.

Then came summer. All resemblance of a schedule went out the window. Their morning prayers went out the window. Temple attendance waned. Family Home evening shortly followed. Meal time was rarely together, if at all, as everyone just ate when they were hungry. Summer activities, reunions, packing to move or not to move, jobs and more took over the family's time, and somehow the TV ate up any other of their spare time because the fatigue was setting in. They were busy to say the least.

And just a short time ago, the mother realized something interesting. With the slipping away of their "Celestial Traditions" as she had begun to call the things they were doing to keep Heavenly Father's Spirit with them.... so came the filth. And some numbness. And more bickering. And a few bigger errors and sins to deal with. Something had changed in their home.

The mother had not been the "Lioness at the Gate" that she could have been for her family.

Now, I am sure you have figured out who the family, and that mother, is. The truth of it all amazed me. All my life I have heard the promises that your families can receive from following the steps of these "Small and Simple Things". There really ARE amazing fortifications and hidden blessings from taking the steps... even if they aren't perfect ones! And it was painfully brought to our awareness that we had allowed those "guards" down.

At our last Stake Conference, I wrote down a profound thought that was offered: Here is these last days, when Satan is everywhere, and in everything, still waging the war that began in heaven, the battles will not be fought in large companies of Saints. It will not be 1000's marching together. The battles will be fought from our own homes. We were encouraged to "get in formation" and refuse to retreat! It pierced my soul as I contemplated the impact that *I* as the mother of this family unit can have in this eternal battle.

OK. So here is my neat thought process... and the reason for my post title. I happened to really enjoy the Harry Potter series. Jestin just took me on a date (finally - that is another one that we have let slide) to see the last Harry Potter movie. #7 part 2 was really good... and I really enjoyed it. It made me want to re-read the last book. As I laid in bed, knowing I could not start it right now in my life because we have WAY too much other stuff demanding attention, I let my mind wander over the storyline...

Do you remember when Harry and his friends were living in a tent and in hiding? Do you remember when Hogwarts was faced with a full attack of Voldemort? In both cases before they did anything else they cast spells and enchantments around the perimeter to keep those they cared about safe. It kept out sight, sound, and all around evil. There were very specific and sometimes complicated spells. It was magical and exciting.

We, in our day, HAVE special enchantments and spells we "cast" for the safety and peace of our families. They can be hard to do... but just like Hermoine, we must be VIGILANT and DO them! We are at war... with someone scarier the Voldemort! We must be the Lionesses at the Gates of our homes. See what a fun thought process my mind conjured?

Somehow, adding the term "enchantments" to the name of "Celestial Traditions" and making it an act of protecting my home and family, for the eternities, suddenly is is more exciting. I want to be so much better that I have been! I want my little "formation" to WIN the prize of being an eternal family! Let the "spells" begin! *GRIN*