Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Tooth... last kid

My last baby... to loose his first tooth!

Those bottom two teeth have been wiggly for WEEKS!
He did not like how it felt to wiggle them, so he didn't.
Today he was trying to bite something open and one started to dangle.
He had melt down!!
(it was so dang funny!)
He could NOT go to bed with it dangling...
...and he could NOT pull it out!
Crockodile tears everywhere!
Drama like a little girl...
(and this from my boy who could be cut open and bleeding and not cry about it)
It took 45 minutes and a Daddy to finally get the tooth out...
Ok... Toothfairy...
Work your Magic!