Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, May 4, 2008

12 years ago today...

Twelve fast years I’ve shared your name,
My life with your’s been part.
Time truly makes love richer
And draws closer faithful hearts.
I ponder on our wedding day
So young and long ago
Though time has changed the goal remains
To watch our family grow.
I cherish all my time with you
My love grows richer still
Each day’s a gift from God above
Such contentment…loved fulfilled.
I’d take your hand again I know
Knowing now what I didn’t then
I’d gladly trek those days gone by
With you my dearest friend.
And on the edge of the next phase
As I pause and ponder on
The next twelve years are coming quick
Yet I say “bring it on!”
Together we are “Everything”
No challenge is too rough
For the two of us who feel deep down
That love’s more than enough.
~Heather Dorius Well it's official today... 12 years of marriage. Seems like maybe 2? lots longer than that... but not 12! I just adore this man of mine so much! I am so thankful for the last 12 years... every stinkin' road bump and boulder... every high time and low time... every life changing event and the little things that pass almost unnoticed. I would not trade any of our life together for anything different. I never knew I could love Jestin more today that I did on our wedding day. Love truly is like wine... it gets better with age.

And Life's a Dance, you learn as you go, thank heavens I am blessed with a terrific partner!!




Happy Anniversary you two!

And LOVE the mullet Jess! haha