6 week follow-up
I keep forgetting to post! I had my 6 week follow-up appt on friday. It was really good! I told him how I truly have felt so much better and he actually smiled! LOL! I asked him about the heart pain I still get when my heart rate gets up there, and he told me I needed to take it easy for 4 more weeks. No strenuous exercise, and only "wittle wocks". So small walks only for now and build myself up slowly. yea! There is a beginning in sight to feeling stronger and healthier and it's just around the corner! He also counseled I needed 4 more weeks of blood thinners, & than aspirin therapy from then on out. He will see me in August and we can discuss weaning my body off of my heart medications at that point. It was a really good visit! He explained to me that I don't actually have A-fib... I have Super Ventricular Tachycardia which triggers A-fib. Interesting. It could have been a result of being born prematurely and a hole that healed in my heart after birth. Anyway, Dr. H. explained that he worked on both sides of my heart (from the inside) and that he is hoping that it should prevent anymore SVT issues. *grin* I am game for that!! Oh yeah!
It was really very sweet too... he would not let me be charged for my visit. He may not have the best bedside manner, but he is a really neat man. I will be forever grateful for his talent and kindness... and so will my little family!
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