New Phone...what an effort!
So... my contract is up at the end of May with my current provider. Long story short...couldn't wait to change! Easter weekend, my sweetheart and I were walking through Sam's Club and stopped for a moment to look at the phone options because we knew it was coming up; and I wanted to know what I wanted. (a good thing right?) Well, as we got talking with the guy there, we fell into an amazing deal! That weekend only ALL their phones were free. All of them! And I was able to switch to Jess' provider (free calls), save $15 month, plus I got a car charger and a case...and we walked away only paying $32. It was awesome! They didn't start my new service until last week, and I can cancel my old service the end of May, but for only one month's double service I still will pay over $100 less than I would have if I had waited and bought the phone in May. Needless to say... it is nice... but I am confused! I am such a set-in-my-ways kinda gal sometimes! This new phone is nothing like my old Treo, and I am grumpy not knowing how it works! I spent one of my resting breaks today watching the tutorial videos. *sigh* I know I will love it...once I figure it out. Bwhahahaha!! The other nice thing is that my phone number could have stayed the same, but the new one ROCKED! It is SO much easier to remember...all my kids in school already have it memorized! And I have unlimited texting! yea! no more fees for that overage! LOL!! Now I need to get busy with my Real Estate and earn such a nice phone that I didn't pay for huh?? *grin* So if you are family and friends...write it down!! New cell # is listed below...
I love and hate new phones sometimes also. They are so fun, but such a pain sometimes too. Well I hope you are doing well. Good excuse to sit still right?
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