Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We got lost....

So to continue our adventure... we rode the ferry back and jumped back on the subway back to Penn Station. We were tired and sticky (think humidity, sweat and steam from all the corner hot dog stands! LOL) and h.u.n.g.r.y. We came out of the station and saw that we were what we thought was a couple of blocks from the street our hotel was down. We headed back into subway remembering that there was a concourse FULL of restaurants... and we wanted some New York Pizza! *GRIN* We headed down one corridor after another. Up the stairs. Down the stairs. Things all started to look the same. We came to a barricade (the kind you see on TV where you swipe your transit card and push the bar and walk through) except it said EXIT on it. We were entering we thought so we pushed on to another set of stairs. Finally we came up to the surface and there in front of us was either a hot dog vendor (*shudder* at the thought for that at midnight for dinner) or Sabbarro's. OH! It was depressing! We were SO hungry... and so lost for a minute... that we went for it! We thought maybe it would be better since it was NYC. Yeah. No. SICK. It tasted just as Blah in NY as it does in the all the malls here. We were so bummed out!
We finished our dinner, after calling our sweethearts from the restaurant to tell them goodnight, and went back down into the subway to find a familiar way back to the hotel. We came again to the barricade that said EXIT. We could SEE the concourse THROUGH the barricade and tears were close to the surface! Ah Man! We just wanted to get back to our hotel and we KNEW the way once we reached the concourse! LOL
See?? Remember the concourse??
As we stood there deciding what to do... the Transit Authority woman (a big happy black lady) came over and asked if we needed help. She had seen us LAST time we stopped at this spot! We said we were lost. She replied, "Well dat's appearant!". We told her that we just wanted to get to the concourse, but the bars said EXIT. We wanted to enter! She got a big cheesy grin and said, "ah! honey! you jus' push da bar and walk through!". WAIT WHAT? Huh. I guess we *WERE* exiting the subway portion to enter the concourse. HUH. Midnight with little sleep creates VERY blond brunettes! Bwahahahaha!!! We, of course, had severe giggles at this point! We could not stop laughing! We were lost in Penn Station Subway for almost 45 minutes because we thought the out was an in! AHH... good times... good times... BUT! The very best part...
After walking through the concourse, back the way we had come earlier that day, we emerged on the streets and looked down the road... we were only half a block from where we had started when we thought we were a couple of blocks away! We spent that 45 minutes lost under ground to only have traveled half a block! The giggle fest erupted again!
We arrived safe and sound, tired and giggling at our hotel about 2 am. We woke up her daughter and her boyfriend when we reached our room with our giggling fits... and were in complete hysteria as Patty tried to explain WHY we could not stop laughing... and yet could only squeak out every 3rd or 4th word! It was a complete riot!!
After we got ready for bed and settled down, we finally drifted off to sleep about 4 am... with the plan of getting up at 7:30 to catch the subway to sacrament meeting the next morning. :)