Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Saturday, November 29, 2008

6 years old and can't stand it!

Oiy! We are in trouble! Tonight we got a dose of just how impatient our 6 (almost 7) year old is:
Gram gave us a special present to open as a family once we got our Christmas Tree up, decorated and were turning on the lights to enjoy for the first time. All the kids were SO excited to get the tree up and open it. Dad has been working out in the garage all day with truck trouble that was not the quick fix he had hoped for. We (Mom and kids) set out to do the tree assembly and lights without him... and would do ornaments with him after dinner. And so we did. But we are shy a few strands of lights! 4 strands didn't make it this year! (ugh) So we stopped and decided to go get more lights after dinner...

Our darling 6yrold has been asking every few minutes (ok *maybe* 20 minutes between...but not much more!) if we can open the present. He has been told no - and explained EXACTLY when we would open it... and *how* we would open it. He knew the answer and yet still asked relentlessly (Any great surprise as to why we didn't tell them we were going to Disneyland until the hour before we left?? Bwahahaha).

After dinner Dad still had a couple of things to wrap up on the truck - and Mom - Having had a very busy weekend with shopping, meal prep, work and little sleep - crashed on the couch for a quick cat nap. 30 minutes later I awoke and noticed a BEAUTIFUL quilt on the chair across the room. I tried to focus my eyes and realized it was something new. And then it dawned on me. Our sweet Gram, whom is so very talented, had made us a special Christmas quilt!! And the present had been opened.

I asked who had opened it - and the older kids were shocked! They didn't know - yet they had been in the room with me the entire time watching Charlie Brown on TV (hence why mom fell asleep! Tee hee hee) 3 yr old little man was asleep too. 6 yr old admitted that he had opened it. He had gone to Dad and asked if "we could open it without him" - to which annoid-with-his-truck Dad replied that he didn't care. (He assumed I knew) And so middleman snuck into the livingroom and quietly opened it without anyone else. Then, annoid it wasn't something more exciting for himself, dropped it into the chair.

Gah! I am so frustrated!! Someone tell me this is normal 6 yr old stuff! I dont know if I can take a month of the same question to the same question until Santa has arrived and presents that I may place under the tree can be revealed! I would expect this from the 3 yr old - but aye aye aye! How annoying. The little pill. Shoot me now December is going to be L O N G!!!


Jonesy Rae Photography

Good luck! Maybe just threaten with more quilts as gifts if he doesn't knock it off!

My friend has the Christmas elf (of which they have a little mini elf) that appears around the house during the Christmas season. You'll find him in one room, then suddenly in another. He watches all, and when he seems to switch rooms on his own, how can the kids argue? Their poor kid is scared straight in December! ;)

Mardi and Jeremey

LOL! That is so funny. I have no reassuring words for you. I guess all I can say is that I was very impatient and obnoxious when I was that age...well, probably until I got to junior high and then my mom had to deal with my emotional teenager crap.

The bright side, I am a functional happy adult with minimal bouts of impatience! hahahaha, sorry doll.


Too funny!! I have a little girl that would do something just like that, but then again she isn't that clever! LOL!!!

I want to see a picture of the quilt!


VERY typical 6 year old boy!!! We have I speak from experience. We are constantly finding Jake working the system, telling 1/2 truths and doing sneaky things we would never expect. When he gets caught he always says "not me" and then eventually admits it and breaks down into tears because he is so sad he made us mad. I pray it is just a phase, as like your son, he is typically a loving sweet kid who I USED to trust (grin).