Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Feeling Grumpy...sooo...

I need to post a gratitude list man! Find that inner joy! *wink*

I love/am grateful for:

* Listening to my daughter and my puppy "singing" in the other room
* Being healthy again
* The smell of clean sheets
* Being able to do my own finger nails so I don't chew on them
* My sweet husband who works until all hours, possibly with pneumonia, because he said he would - his dedication, integrity and determination are inspiring to me.
* My sweet boy who noticed I cleaned his room and thanked me.
* A washer and dryer that both work
* My home that keeps us warm and safe.
* My meds that keep my heart in check, my hives in check, and my thyroid in check so I can live my life.
* Jestin's meds that keep him here with us.
* Cam's meds that keep him out of the hospital dispite the slight sniffle he had last week! (YEA!)
* My chance to give back to this ward by my callings and other such things - I can never fully repay all they have done for our family!
* My chance to serve in general.
* My friends who love me, listen to me and forgive me when I am PMSing or "having a day"
* My newest Christmas gift (thanks Amy) It truly makes me smile!
* A box delivered today - Caleb is DONE for Christmas! YEA!
* Hotcocoa and graham crackers for snack time
* The boys room clean. *grin* go me!
* The money we don't have today to make me all the more grateful for the checks that will come in at the end of the week! :) Patience is a virtue! (just hopin' everyone else already did their shopping so it won't be so crazy for us to finish up! LOL! I know I know - maybe in my dreams..)
* A credit card I could use - but won't. That feels good.
* A toothbrush - have ever noticed how much more "together" you feel when your teeth are brushed?
* A soft bed to sleep on
* Christmas excitement in my children.

I feel a bit better... thanks for listening :)