Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Friday, March 19, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude

It has been less than 2 hours since I posted about my "wish" list. I have decided they are perfectly acceptable for my posterity to one day read and know I felt that way... but as I have pondered my last post I also have come to the realization that in order for there it be balance in my life I must also list what I DO have to my posterity to read and know.

And so... in following the counsel of the Prophets I am thankful for:
* My ability to pray, and to have a relationship with my Father in Heaven. I may not be able to go and clean someone else's home, or tend their kids for lengthy amounts of time, or even pay their bills but I can offer prayers for those in need, anytime, day or night. And for that I am grateful.
* My parents. They have paid our outrageous medicine costs for us this winter of no work. I do not know where we woud be without their kindness and my Ma's stubborness of making me let her do it. We were rationing our meds and the consquences could have been really bad.
* For my state's CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program). My children would not be healthy today without it. Though it KILLS me to use it, wishing I could be able to care for my own family, I am deeply deeply grateful for the peace it affords us at this time.
* For my job. I know Realtor's have a bad rap. I know many of them deserve it sadly, but I love what I do. I love helping others, I love helping them do something so important for their families and I love getting to show homes. I also love that it works so well around my family life and health, and I am eternally grateful for a great partner! Maria is the best real estate partner ever! We have so much fun together and we love this job for all the same reasons! And we are blessed it seems to always be "on" when the other one needs to be "off". I don't know what I would do without her!
* For good friends and neighbors who seem to call when I need it, bring food when I need it, let me love them when I need it. The Lord has given me such a wonderful place to live and such wonderful people in my life!
* Obviously, for my sweet soul mate. I never knew one could love another so completely. I never dreamed  I would have such a wonderful, faithful, loving, open man in my life. He is my very best friend in the whole world. I love how he makes me feel... and how he treats me. We have grown SO much in the last few years. And that leads me to the next thing I am thankful for:
* For the trials I have been asked to endure. They have grown me, my sweetheart and my family more than I ever thought possible. We are so close as a family! I would not trade any of it for the blessings we have recieved because of them. We may not have all we want in the world, but eternally we have everything we could ever want!
* For the temple. For the peace that is found there. For the sacred work that is done there and for the whisperings of spirits I sense from the other side. I am so happy to know that I am child of God and that I belong to a huge family, and that that family is rooting for each other. I have often felt the presense of family gone on and feel humbled that I get to know and feel that here on earth.

There is so much more I can type about. I truly am blessed. It is only a cold in my heart this time. I can endure this. And I will continue to move forward. In the priesthood blessing I was counseled that I needed to accept that this body of mine will no longer do all I want it to do. I am grateful for that counsel. I need to mourn a little for it, and then embrace what I have left. I may not be able to do all I want or think I should do, but I can still do a lot. I can still make a difference. If I look beyond my limitations, and beyond my self, there is a great big world out there that I can still take advantage of and make my mark on... so to speak! :)