Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, March 22, 2010

He gets it!!

As a family we have been reading the Pearl Of Great Price for our nightly scripture reading. Caleb often just kind of floats in and out while we read, as if you try to make him sit and listen he is noisy and wiggly, but if you encourage drawing or quietly building or puzzling he will at least be with us during this time. I often wondered if he was getting ANY thing of it! LOL

Well... yesterday as we were getting ready for church, Caleb brought me this picture. I asked him where he learned to write Jesus Christ? (he can't read yet but LOVES to copy letters off of anything and everything) He told me his scriptures (the Book of Mormon) cover. Then I asked him to tell me what it was a picture of. He replied it was a picture of Jesus (of course!) and "it is Jesus makin' you outta dust Mom!"

I was floored! FLOORED! He IS listening... and he even applied it to his own life! What a sweet boy I have! He so dang smart! You know..."mother of all living"... made from dust. LOL

(and if you notice... Jesus has a heart... lately ALL his people have hearts since mine has been acting up. LOL)



Absolutely precious! Hope ur feelin better soon!

Shel and Aaron

That is so cute!