Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, April 6, 2009

Guess Who's 4??

My messy faced Caleb!! *grin*

He wanted a "Super Heros" cake - Gram had a cake pan from when Daddy was little - Wilton's 1977 version of Superman/Batman cake pan! Very Cool! So my little guy got a Vintage cake! *grin*

Waiting for opening of presents was TORTURE! But he was a spoiled and happy little mite!

He got a box of 4 Tonka puzzles (That is ALL he did yesterday during Conference!)

New Summer outfit from G'ma & G'pa Ewell!

"Chah-tat Tootees!" - his favorite!

This present he had been guessing about all afternoon - it was a rocket ship? monster truck?...etc etc etc!

He couldn't have guessed it would be something he would love so much! A TONKA bike!!
Aunt Katie & Uncle Greg, Uncle Tyler & Aunt Millie all went in on it and gave it to him (they bought it from G'pa Lee - he found it on one of his DI excursions...and it looks BRAND NEW! Sweet!)

Lub's said he can't ride it yet because "da wheels is broken". (meaning they don't have training wheels on it! LOL - Daddy plans to add some tonight for him)

Then he attacked the Box that was bigger than him! Gram & Papa went in with his Mom & Dad to get our little man....

A "Lellow Man Car"!!! (Plasma Car) His best friend Jesse has one and he has wanted one forever! He can't wait to show Jesse!! *GRIN*

Everyone tried it out... even Uncle Greg folded his long legs up to try it! *giggle*
G'ma Annie & Papa Stoddard gave him some $ to go get the Letter Factory Video that he wants... :)

Dispite the cold breeze we had to go try the new stuff out! :)

Kenly LOVED it... she even fought with whomever had it to let her ride too!

The men all went to the Priesthood Session of Conference, so we waited to do Cake and Icecream until they got back... more torture for the poor little man! LOL! But then it was cake time!
Blowing with your arm makes it work better! (not)

He kept missing the candles! It took 4 blows! Tee hee!!

But he finally got 'um! Then he could have his Super Hero's cake and "A'nilla" iceream!
I can't believe you are 4!!!!



Nice Blog..Feel free to visit my site..TQ

Blair and Cindy

That cake is awesome! Who needs to pay $20 bucks at Maceys for a sheet cake when you have the good old Wilton cake pans! Love those! Happy birthday Caleb!