Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, June 1, 2009

Emma in "Hope of America" Concert

Even though Emmalee is a homeschool girl now, her school was so kind and allowed her to still participate in the Hope of America Concert. It is a concert broadcast for the Troops over seas. All the 5th graders that want to gather in a certain color shirt and perform Patriotic songs and a really neat program for them! It was AWESOME!! Some of her cousins were in this program with their schools even though we live on oposite ends of the valley!

Together in their colored shirts they create a HUGE American flag!

Emmalee is on the left end of the bottom row of red shirts, bottom row of red! *grin* Can ya see her?? *grin*

They had cultural dancing and singing. It was amazingly well put together for how many schools/kids were involved!

Emma sang her songs from her CD for weeks prior so she would know all the songs!

Jess' family all came to support her! Caleb and McKenly loved the cotton candy! LOL

This is group of Grandma's that dance. (We aren't sure, but we think Jess' biological father's mom was in it -she is in a dance group like this.) There was one lady that was over 80 doing the spilts!! It was a hoot!

For the last song they turned off all the lights and the kids all had flashlights and sang a beautiful song about being a light to others. It was an wonderful evening!
I took more photos with my other camera of her in her shirt and with her friends etc, but it had a card error and I lost them all.... :( So sorry sweet pea! ((HUGS))