Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Thursday, January 17, 2008

About the love of my life...

1. What is your Husbands full name? Umm...if you know know! It's fun and long! :D

2. How long have you been together as a couple? He asked me to be his girl on May 14th 1993 and we were married May 4th, 1996

3. How long did you date? I'm too do the math ;D

4. How old is he? 20 days younger than me

5. Who eats more? Definitely him.

6. Who said I love you first? He did

7. Who is taller? I am... if I wear heels

8. Who sings better? I do...although his voice gets better with age

9. Who is smarter? Now this is a loaded question! LOL! Actually I am smarter when it comes to books and structured learning...and he is brilliant with common sense issues and has a great sense of ingenuity. We compliment each other very nicely.

10. Who does the laundry? I do...although he has asked many times for me to teach him so he can take that on for me. I refuse. He has enough to carry...I muddle through the tough times! :D

11. Who does the dishes? We both do. Who ever gets to them first :D He is AWESOME at dishes!

12. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? We have switched on and off all our married life. Currently...he does.

13. Who pays the bills? I do. He can...he just doesn't do well with the stresses him out. LOL!

14. Who mows the lawn? Lawn? what lawn? bwahahaha! He does... I like it done his way anyway.

15. Who cooks dinner? If he is home we always do it together, otherwise I do, unless I am not doing well, then he does. So long answer short...both of us. He makes a killer breakfast too!

16. Who's more sensitive? Ummm...this one is hard. I think he has acquired some of his mom's wonderful sense of empathy...and he absorbs others problems and sometimes takes them too serious. He is getting better at not allowing it to affect him as much...but he is a sweetheart that way! When we were dating Chick Flicks were torture for the poor man! (he's gonna kick my butt!) But I am sure have an easily broken heart sometimes too!

17. Who's more stubborn? We equally are...but this has lessened with least toward each other...bwahahaha

18. Who's the first to admit when their wrong? Usually who ever is. We rarely fight. Really! We don't! He is my very best friend, and we seem to have mastered how "dance" the married dance.

19. Who's parents do you see more? His...we are all really close.

20. Who proposed? He did

21. Who drives when you are together? He does. I love to ride.

22. Who has more friends? I do, which is funny because he is WAY more outgoing than I am!

23. Who has more siblings? he does....I have 3, he has 4

24. Where did you meet? Mountain View High School

25. Where was your first kiss? In the back of Quinn's station wagon as I was being driven home.

26. What was the first thing you said to him? I really don't remember, he was dating a girl in the locker next to mine, and then he dated my best friend, so those details are not so vivid.

27. Where was your first date? A band concert at a rival high school to make up tardies. (real romantic eh?)

28. Where did you get engaged? Squaw Peak. He gave me 22 long stem red roses... then we went to our mom's to tell each of them and he gave each mom a red roses from the original dozen.

29. Where did you go on your honeymoon? We didnt really have one until we had been married a year...we went to St. George and Mesquite.

(If you have a blog or email address...consider yourself now tagged!)



It's fun to get to know you better. Your husband sounds like quite the sweetheart. I love the picture of you two as young lovebirds!