Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oh joy...

ok....really not joy. Both the younger boys started bad fevers with coughs overnight. Caleb woke up at 2 am and was 103+ and has only dropped a little with meds. Cam came in about 5am and was just crying! He said he couldn't breath and didn't feel good. He was 101.9 and his cough was so tight! I ran to get the nebulizer while Jess took care of him as he threw up while coughing because his asthma was so tight. He has a slight purple hue to him today, and won't do much at all, but he isn't sucking I am hoping and praying he can get over this without oxygen and a hospital stay. It will be 2 years in July since he has had to be hospitilized. XXcrossing fingersXX

I have gotten soft. I used to be so diligent when there were others that were sick with colds and they got around Cam. It used to scare me to death and I would avoid anything of the sort like the plague. He has been hospitilized too many times in his young life. And I have gotten laxed, and I think I need to consider to not. A simple cold that most mom's dont even worry about exposing others to, still can make my little guy so miserable. I feel like I have let him down by not protecting him more. I have let kids that were sick come to play so I could help out a friend. I have sent him to be tended at places that I know they "just had a runny nose". I let him snuggle with me a little (although then I kept sending them out of my room and I stayed there as much as possible) when I was sick early last week. I never used to do that. I look at him laying next to me, so sad and sick and miserable without enough air, and I get so mad at myself!! I have SO let my sweet boy down... and I am so tired... I am so not the mommy he needs me to be. This truly is so hard for me...and so frustrating!! Part of me wants to heck with taking it easy! I have obligations and stewardships to fullfill. A-fib be damned! My baby needs me. My house needs me. My family needs me. GGRRR!!!!!!!



Heather you won't be the mom, wife, or person you want to be if you don't take care of yourself. Remember when you fly and they tell you to put the air mask on yourself before assisting others. This is the same!! you have to take care of yourself or the things that matter most in your life will suffer. You aren't letting anyone down and even though it sounds great some times you can't live in a bubble and he wouldn't want to. You are being too hard on yourself and you have to remember it is just February everyone gets sick in February right!?! Love you :)


I agree with Stephanie. I know it's so hard watching a sick child. There is some nasty stuff going around and the rest of my family has it, too. I'm just hoping I don't get sick for once. Continue to take it easy & don't beat yourself up over your kids getting sick. You're doing the best you can, and that's all that expected of you.


Yeah, what Steph said! Heather, honey, kids get sick. They just DO, no matter how hard we try to protect them, they get sick. It is NOT your fault, and even if it were, there's nothing you can do about it now. There's really no sense in beating yourself up. Take care of your sweet boy, and take care of yourself too. ((((hugs))))


Hindsight is always 20/20. Don't beat yourself up about this. You are an amazing mom. I am willing to bet EVERYONE will agree with me.
Please take care of yourself!