Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Friday, March 7, 2008

Distracting Myself

OK. I need a distraction this morning. I am nervous about this dumb test... (I dont love to "fail" things!... LOL!) so I am copying an idea that I saw on one of my other favorite blogs...

We have 77 post on our blog...this will be I am going to list 78 random things about our family...

  1. I talked Jess into dating my best friend. He thought I was out of his league, I thought he liked her more. The attraction was too great... and we kinda broke her heart. Still makes me feel bad when I think about it. AHH the joys of highschool!
  2. Emmalee had to go back the hospital as a newborn the day after we brought her home. She had an infection of some kind. That was HARD! They took a spinal tap and I thought Jess and I were going to die. Never had felt that "love someone so deeply the thought of them in pain is complete torture" kinda feeling before. We waited outside and sobbed in each others arms.
  3. Caleb went back to the hospital the day after we brought him home too. Although he was healthy...Cameron's asthma had run amuck and he needed oxygen. That was a rough one too.
  4. hmmm...these are all a little bit negative...the rest will be positive...gotta distract myself!
  5. The desk I work from I found at DI for $40! The chair was free from a business Jess did work for. I love a good deal.
  6. Caleb drinks chocolate milk for breakfast. He doesn't enjoy I get him Carnation Instant least I know he is getting some good vitamins and protein.
  7. I rebel against myself. If I make a list I likely will not get much done. I used to be a HUGE list writer, but they do nothing for me anymore but make me grumpy. Silly huh?
  8. There is white-out tape from one of those roll on white-outs all over the house. Caleb must have found it yesturday. *sigh*
  9. Some of my dearest friends I met from an online group. My FLYSistahs. We are such a crazy diverse group... but we sure enjoy each others company.
  10. I had my 1st birthday party ever last year. I invited all my FLYSistahs down and we ate good food and laughed until late. It was perfect!
  11. We hate to get the mail. It stems from the laidoff years. It was always depressing to get more medical bills or see what was behind. We never had anything shut off or a late house payment...Jess somehow always made ends meet...but it was still depressing. It is nothing like that now...but both of us still stuggle to make ourselves go get the mail. Funny 3 years later....
  12. Jess doesn't like lotion either. Our poor kids. Emma loves it. We would "rock, paper scissors" to see who had to lotion the baby post bath. LOL!
  13. Cody has read his cub scout manual from front back, novel style, twice.
  14. We haven't had a real family photo sitting since Cam was under 2. Can't wait for Saturday...hmmm...what to wear??
  15. I always wanted to be an airline stewardess. I still do. I love to travel...and Jess doesn't.
  16. Jess loves to tinker. He can build, weld, fix, design, create, just about anything. He was VICA President in Highschool.
  17. Jestin loves Red Cream Sodas. He is diabetic and shouldn't have them...but once in a great while he indulges. He savors them! LOL
  18. Cameron is coming off the immediate effects of his steriods from his last asthma bout. This is a good thing... because for 2 weeks after he completes the doses... he eats NON STOP! He is STARVING!! LOL! I can send Jess to the store now and not have to worry that Cam will eat the whole box, bag or bushel of whatever he brings home.
  19. We love Tallapia. It is the one thing I make that EVERYONE eats.
  20. I am a sucker for Hawaiian anything. I love it. It makes me happy. I love my name too...Leilani is so pretty. Someday Jess is taking me.
  21. Jess gets sick on airplanes.
  22. Jess gets sick on long car rides unless he's driving
  23. Jess gets sick on rollercoasters.
  24. I get sick in movie theatres if we sit too close.
  25. None of the kids can watch a movie in the car, they all get sick. Nice eh?
  26. I love lilac bushes. I was sad to leave our last house because one whole side of the yard was lilacs. They smell so much like spring. I had a bunch in my yard growing up too. That is on my list of desired yard foliage when we get to that point.
  27. We need new couches. All of them are really old hand-me-downs. One has a broken arm rest that it really annoying! Lately when Cam and Cody sleep on them their allergies act up. It's frustrating. We have so many other demands on our finances... sometimes I wish we could just charge them, but then I think about the remorse I would feel each time I sat on them knowing they added a payment to our budget. *sigh* I think I need to start stashing a little each check specifically for couches. (Grass? Fence? who needs those? bwhahahaha!!)
  28. I love my house. There is very little I would change about my house. It makes me happy.
  29. I never thought I could love Jestin more than I did when we were dating. I never knew love grew stronger in a marriage, and you could like your spouse so much more with each passing year. Sometimes I think we are the exception and not the rule. That makes me really sad. This love should be available to everyone! It just takes a lot of selflessness and work. But it is so worth it!
  30. Avacados sound yummy. I am fasting for my test. My tummy is conjouring what it would like to be eating.
  31. Jess rebels against time. His clocks are NEVER the right time. They are always fast (his alarm clock has been as much as 45 minutes fast before!) If I tell him we have to be somewhere at _ABC___. He is ready to leave the house at __ABC__. Time and Jestin do not get along.
  32. I am shy. I love people and I love making and enjoying friends. But I am a very shy person. Most people dont believe me. I fight it like crazy!!
  33. I love to sleep. Not because I dont feel well lately, but prior to all this, sleeping in or taking a quick nap in the afternoon, made me happy. I am sure it is because my heart has always given me troubles, but I sure enjoy feeling stronger after such indulgences!
  34. Jess is a morning person. If he is not up and working and busy by 8 am...the day is wasted.
  35. I am not. I am a night owl. *grin*
  36. When someone becomes a friend, they tuck into my heart and I keep them there. Even people I have had a falling out with...I still just love so much!
  37. Jess is friends with everyone. He is not at all shy. He hasn't made a lot of really close friends that he hangs out with (he likes to hang out with his brother a lot) but he has many who are his friend.
  38. Emmalee is just like Jess. She is friends with everyone.
  39. Cody keeps to himself. He has lost a couple of really good friends to them moving, and it has made a difference in how he approaches friendship. He is careful with his heart. Emma is his best friend though. They have always had a special bond.
  40. Jess hates to eat with a small utensils. He likes the big serving spoons for his cereal and the biggest forks for his other meals. He is put out when there are only small ones clean.
  41. Jestin is an Eagle Scout. He loves the outdoors.
  42. Cameron has no sense of time. The ellusiveness of when Easter is is making the boy crazy! We have tried everything... but there just is no patient bones in his body!
  43. I am a nicknamer. I give people nicknames and then they just seem to stick. Emma = Lou, Bug or Lou-Bug, Cody = Bubba, Cam = Beedee, Caleb = Bunkee, Jess = JW. I have a brother I call "B". Saying his real name is weird for me. I guess they are terms of endearment and they just stick for me.
  44. Each of my kids have their own made up song I created when they were babies. They love to hear them over and over again.
  45. Jess uses a bobbypin to clean out the wax from his ears. weird.
  46. I have a stapler and a tape dispenser that I tole painted when I was preteen, from a bank take over when my mom worked at the bank. I have kept them and still use them to this day.
  47. I can't remember how old I am. I keep getting it wrong. Jess even does it...we had to use the years and add them up to figure out how old we are a week or so ago. I used to laugh at people when they said they couldn't remember. Here we are. I guess age really is subjective. In my head I am 20. LOL! Sounds good to me!
  48. I have seeds on order for our garden. Amy and I are sharing garden space in 0ur backyard this year... and I feel like a kid at Christmas! I can't wait for them to come so we can get our starts going!
  49. I love to float on my back in the water. I cant hear anything. It is just relaxing!
  50. My favorite vacation spot is Lake Powell. My heart can't take the heat well... but I LOVE to ride in Dad's (FIL) boat and swim in the lake. I love to let my kids play in the sand. I love the colors and the water color. I love spending time with family. I miss Lake Powell. I wonder when IL's have their houseboat timeshare this year....? I have even thought of just going down without the house boat and staying in the hotel. I just love it down there.
  51. I love St George too. Silly I love all the hot places that make me not feel well!
  52. Our dream family vacation is to make the Church History trek. This year I would like to go to Martin's cove at least and see Rocky Ridge. My GGG'ma was preteen when she came across the plains with the Willy Co. and I feel a closeness to her. I want to walk where she walked.
  53. Caleb loves Go-gurt. Mom detests giving it to him. It's slimy and messy. But that boy LOVES it!
  54. A family treat is Wheat Thins and Squeeze cheese. My kids think that is a HUGE treat!
  55. As are juice boxes. (or bags)
  56. Once when stuck in the Uintah Basin with my family because of bad weather (we didn't dare drive home) We were all watching the news at G'ma's and the weather lady said "Stay home if you can...if you go out in this storm you could get seriously killed." We all laugh to the this day! Not just killed...but seriously killed! LOL!
  57. We were stuck in the Uintah Basin the year of the big avalanche at Bridal Veil Falls.
  58. My family took Jestin for his first real trip outside of Utah shortly after we were married. Talk about culture shock! Las Vegas was the hardest for him. He loved that he has lived here all his life. People were strange to him! LOL! He is getting better now...
  59. Jestin's dream job is a Custom Truck parts builder. He loves to weld bumbers, light racks etc.
  60. Cody wants to be a Bee Keeper (he got stung once taking care of a cold bee!) and a Massage Therapist.
  61. Cameron doesn't want to grow up!
  62. Caleb will likely be a tractor/truck/equipment operator or owner. That boy LOVES anything big, loud and rumbly! (Garbage day is looked forward too with much enthusiasum!)
  63. We love the LOTR's trilogy. Jess and I often on weekends watch a part of them after the kids have gone to bed.
  64. Jess loves the Star Wars Trilogies. He knows them so well...he often falls asleep watching them! Bwahahaha
  65. I call milk "snot clot". Have since I was a preteen. It has never been my favorite drink. yuck. And now since having Cam I seem to be lactose intolerant...and he is down right allergic!
  66. We can both eat icecream though!
  67. Our favorite resturant when dating was Weinerschnitzel. We even went there after our wedding reception because neither of us had eaten! Our kids love it now!
  68. I crave The Melting Pot. Jess took me there for my 30th birthday...and it was a once in a lifetime experience. Chah$$$$Ching... But OOHHHH SOOO good!!!
  69. I love my new computer monitor!
  70. Cameron has a Tomigatchi... and I wonder if I should ever get that boy a real pet... he seems almost happy when his "pet" dies and he can get a new one! LOL!
  71. Jess loves Costco.
  72. I don't.
  73. Jess bought his fruit trees at Costco... we can't wait to plant them! They are hybrids of 4-5 didfferent kinds of pear or apple on each tree! SO FUN!
  74. Emma and I are wearing out our Eric Dodge CD's
  75. Caleb's eyes are changing...I guess I wont end up with at least one blue eyed kidlet.
  76. Jess' eyes change color depending on his mood. I love it when they are green!
  77. I have a black thumb. I am hoping it does not manifest itself in our garden this year!
  78. This really was nice and distracting... thanks!

Wish me luck!