Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekend Report

2 weeks 2 days!!

Hello all! I survived the stress test! YEA! It was not the most pleasant of experiences by any means...but it's over. *grin* I reached my target heart rate quite quickly. (ugh!) And the radioactive material they inject you with burns and there I was...panting my guts out...feeling like fainting...and they inject my IV. It was just not so fun! I wont hear any results until later this week... darn it! I am feeling a bit stronger the last few days. Could be I am "taking it more easy?" LOL!! *wink* Oh! And the asprin seems to not be why my face was swollen, so I feel much relief! One day at a time... one day at a time... the improvement is near! I am getting so excited!

We had another trip to the ER this weekend. Cameron. He is so 6! He had had a dream that he jumped off of Emma's bed (3 mattress' high) onto my yoga ball and bounced and did a flip. Yes. He chases his dreams. He tried it and it flipped him alright...quite forcefully onto his head and neck! The crash was houseshaking! He came down crying and trying to puke. He couldn't stop dry heaving (never actually threw up! yea!) and he said he couldn't see. I called my sister and told her what happened and his symptoms. She said that she was really sorry...but those symptoms were BIG red flags and he needed check out. :( We loaded him up and took him in. Once we got him there and were waiting in the waiting room for his room to open up, he started perking up. By the time we got into the room, he was his normal self again. (About 2 hours after the fall) They did a CATscan anyway just to make sure, and his brain looked good! Jess told him he has no cats in his ears. Cam was relieved! bwahahahaha!! What crazy funness!!

Well...Amy's fundraising photo shoot was not as busy as they had hoped, but those that went got some really great shots! She is so talented! And she was tickled to have gotten a new backdrop out of it all! (she made one espeically for the fundraiser) She and Meighan are so wonderful! to tackle the mounting pile of papers on my desk! *sigh* I swear paper has babies around here! LOL!