Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Surgery Date Change!

Dr. H's office called and they changed my surgery date! I get to go in 2 days sooner! 6 days!

Monday 24th of March!
I am feeling the strain a little...ok a LOT...there is much I have been widdling away at here at home, wanting to get accomplished before I go in, and now I am feeling pushed! ack! Many naps make slow work! LOL!

Also, I have been going through some crazy emotions the last few days... funny how surgery on a major life sustaining organ runs you through a miriad of feelings/fears/emotions. Poor Jess. And Amy. And Maria. They have been my emotional crutch the last few days. Feeling very alone as I approach this operation. I know I am loved, it is just not something I can go through with anyone else. Know what I mean? And satan has played on fears and insecurities, and's almost been like a very severe episode of PMS! I laugh one minute, am grumpy the next, spitting nails at things I can't control and sobbing the next. What fun!

Anyway... wanted to update you all~~~ SURGERY MONDAY MARCH 24th



Heather- I'd love to bring your family dinner while your recovering. Let me know if there is anything else you may need. Good luck!