Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Surgery Is Over

Now the recovery begins. It took 4.5+ hours of cardiologist has a hang up with one of his other surgical patients. I was so thankful for a my Priesthood Blessing offering me peace. I only got really nervous once Bro. Fox, from our ward, wheeled me into the elevator! LOL! (he works in the Cath Lab! Who knew!?) It took longer than they thought it would twice the time they told us, but once Dr. H got in their he realized he needed to work on both sides of my heart.

It went well. They had to go in through my neck as well, but it turned out ok. My echocardiogram this morning I was told looked great! he wants me on steroids for the swelling in my heart, blood thinners for 6 weeks, and he is keeping me on my heart meds until we meet again in 6 weeks, where he can asses how i am doing and decide if I can start weaning off of them. I have 3 days of no stairs (hello?!? Two story house?) and no sitting at length at 90 degree angles...and I hurt like the dickens with no pain meds.. but this too shall pass! Poor Jess got slugged in the chest for being flipant with me at one point because I was in pain and he was teasing me. I felt so bad... :(

Thank you all for you continued love, prayers and faith. I think need to go lay down now...I am re-typing almost every word. Sorry about the typos. Too tired to care! Bwahahaha ;)
Much love!!



I am so happy to hear that you are home and that everything turned out well!! You rest up girl and get your strength back!


So glad to get an update! I've been wondering & people have been asking. :) Glad to hear that it went well. Take it easy & holler if you need anything.


It's so good to hear from you. I have been thinking about you all week. Take care of yourself! It's all downhill from here!


We're so glad everything went well, and of course, pray that everything continues to go as planned and hoped for. Rest and get well.

Love from Jack and Laura Petersen


Heather I am so glad everything went so well. I can't wait for you to start felling well so you can do all the things you want. Lots of love!!

Blair and Cindy

It is so good to hear everything went well and that you are doing great! We'll come visit when you are ready for visitors if that is okay.


The Bingham's



It's great to hear that everything went so well! Please keep us all updated!

Sue (Flybaby)
Plainview, NY

The Valentine Fam


I'm glad to hear everything went well during surgery. Take care and gets lots of rest.



I am so happy and relieved! You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Please let us know what we can do to help and if you need us to take Sophie. Please don't hesitate to ask. Take good care of yourself! Love you!


I am so happy and relieved! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I have been so worried about you. Please do not hesitate to let us know what we can do for you and if we can take Sophie for you. Take good care of yourself!
Love you! Traci