Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Friday, March 21, 2008

Things to distract me...

61 hours and counting....

It has been a crazy few days! My emotions and energy levels are run amuck! I got a spurt of energy last we did something most respectable parents would never do! (LOL!) We took the kids bowling... at 9:30 pm last night! I was feeling like we have not been able to do anything fun, just for the kids, in ages. I was missing seeing them play and spending time as a family. So we loaded up and went. My digital camera was taking awful the few I have are off my cell phone...
Caleb was IN LOVE with the ball return! It was like Christmas every time the ball came back!

Cameron amazed us with his sideways toss that earned him at least 4-5 spares! Of course they had the bumpers up, but he still had the best luck! He won the game!

Caleb loved having Daddy help him carry the 8 lb ball over to the lane. (He looked like a waddling duck! Tee hee) and the first time he rolled the ball, I am not kidding, I bet it took 3 full minutes for the ball to make it down the lane! And then! It came up to the pin and stopped. Nothing moved! We were rolling with laughter! We had to go ask the desk if it was ok to send another ball down the lane to reset it...and the front desk people laughed and laughed too! It was a riot!

Cody is a serious thinker when it comes to bowling. He is very delibrate. He got the only strike of the evening!
Emma had a blast...though I think she was more tickled to have brought her own money and be able to buy a packet of skittles to share as our treat! She is always so thoughtful!

Caleb was also very bummed out to realize that he couldn't bowl in any lane... I mean they all had pins in them right?? LOL! He was a hoot to watch! We had a complete blast! It was really late when we got home...the kids were ASKING if they could go to bed... but I think it blew off alot of steam we all have been building as a family...and it was so fun and spontaneous!
I was also able to go with a friend to the temple yesterday. I have never been to the Jordan River one before and it was awesome! We had lunch in the cafeteria and then did some initiatories. It was so good to sit in the celestial room and find the courage and peace I need. I wish I could bottle it and bring it home. I love seving in the temple and escaping the everyday noisy world. AHHH!! Yesterday was AMAZING!!!!!!! All the way around!!

The sky was so blue... I wished the grass was green and dry... I could have laid on the lawn and escaped for another length of time! What a great day it was! (Thanks Patty for going with me!)



It sounds fantastic! I love doing spontaneous things with my kids. It makes being a mom a lot more fun. Good luck on monday. I will be thinking about you all day.


I don't even know where I got the link to your blog, but I have been following your adventures with a lot of smiles and a joyful heart that you will be getting the surgery you need. Please post as soon as you're able to let us know you're on the mend. I have placed you and your family on my prayer chain, because as we all know, every little bit helps.

Kim in California