Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I am awake!

and I am wrapping my mind around a miracle tonight. It is almost to the exact time that 1 week ago I had a stroke. I have been trying for days and days to type one handed and document all of this goings on, since I obviously cannot write it down since I can't hold a pen. I had wicked physical therapy today. HARD HARD HARD. They gave me a cane to practice my walking. I spent forever trying to get my hand to respond to use the silly cork board again. And with all my exercises, by the time I left I was drenched in sweat and shaking, and my legs and arms were jell-o! And most of my exercises were mental, not really physical! I was beat. But as my family has slipped off to bed tonight, and Jestin is sleeping on the couch next to me, I laid my hand on the other side of the keyboard of the laptop next to my good hand. At first it took work to move the fingers at all. I typed and it was s.l.o.w. But as I kept pushing, because the keys are so light to touch, all 4 of my fingers are now typing letters!!!!!!! My thumb is not doing much yet... but it is like the pathway has been blazed!! I know it can come and go... but I am so excited!!! it is all I can do to not wake Jestin up right now and show him!! WOOT WOOT!!! This is my first post fully typed with all my fingers but my thumb. :) VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!