Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Today I can write!!!

I can write today!!! If I use a big fat pen, I can write!! It looks slightly like a first grader... but hey! *GRIN*

It was a long night. I was exhausted and slept hard! All night I had massive nightmares and woke up one point with my heart racing and pounding, and irregular enough that I thought I was in A-fib. I don't know if it is related to the brain work I am doing or what... but it was a LONNNG night.

I also am finding myself wondering if I now know how those with ADD feel. My ability to tune things out is almost non-existent. I am hyper focusing on all my senses and everything going on all at once. I have to just shut my eyes and try to listen to my own breathing. It is very bizzare. More later...