Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cam's Sad Day

I got a call from the school today... Cam got hurt at lunch recess, would I please come and look at his arm and see if it usually bends that way (hello?? "usually bends that way??")

I ran over and sure enough... his arm curved like a bow. I was so focused I forgot to take a picture of it! The ER staff was so nice, the xray hurt him like no tomorrow, and he was in a lot of pain all by it's self... but they got him taken care of!

Dr. MacCarthur (the ortho surgeon) was fabulous! They put him to sleep and he set it within 10 seconds!! The after xrays looked like they never had a break in them (except for a slight line if you knew what you were looking for)

He was hallucinating coming out of his sleepiness and it was cute... until he puked all over then trama room's floor! LOL!

Doesn't that look fun?? (You can kind of see the bow in it in this xray)

He is "grounded" from school for the week, so as to keep other little kids away from his arm the surgeon said. He will see him again on Friday to check out if it is still set properly. He will be on some good meds until then too to help with the pain... I guess breaking both is quite painful for days (?) I would think breaking ANY is painful for days! LOL

His Dad had to cut the sleeve off of his birthday Sponge Bob shirt to get it on him, but we told him it was to make it a summer shirt now anyway! *wink* When we got home he wanted to have the other long sleeve on the other arm cut off to match asap! *giggle*
He is such a tropper! The IV barely made him cry. The whole experience was awful... but Cam is just so brave! I just love this little monkey of mine so MUCH!!!! My poor baby!! :(



Oh, my, the craziness in your life never seems to end, does it?! I hope his pain meds do their job & his arm heals quickly!

Jonesy Rae Photography

what a way to start the week! As if you didn't have enough to do!!!

Krista Dearden

Oh, the joy of boys! I hope he is feeling better. I would bring you some sweet treats but that might too cruel to you...hmm, maybe just for Cam!

Merri Hackett

all I can say is OUCH!!! :) HOpe he gets better soon.