Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Friday, March 20, 2009

OUCH!! again

I came home from the Relief Society Birthday Party last night to this!! Caleb was standing on some PVC pipes on the sidewalk and they rolled. He landed forehead first!

That is one mega goose egg!! It's the size of a lemon!

Tonight it is turning more blue and green. It hasn't gone down much... but he says his head doesn't hurt... so we will take what we can get!

What fun!!
Cam went to the Ortho Surgeon today and they did a follow-up xray... his bones looks awesome! Just like they should! He gets to go to school on monday! (yea!) He may need some help in class though... he broke his left arm... and though he started school in kindergarten using his right hand... he is like his Grandma Annie... and can use both... and he prefers his left. Should nice and annoying for the poor little thing! Working at home made him cranky! LOL

((((insert rollings eyes))) BOYS!!!



Yowza! That's possibly the biggest goose egg I've ever seen! I'm glad it doesn't hurt.