Joy is very infectious; therefore, be always full of joy.

~ Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 2 for Lou

Today was a little slower. They each read for over an hour this morning - while mom struggled with facing the day. :P

The two of them made zucchini bread together, figuring out measurements from different size cups, as well as learning the cleaning and putting away of ingredients once used, and the reasons behind washing the bread pans as soon as we are done with them and drying them - so they wont rust. And we discussed rust and how it works.

Then they played a game of monopoly.

We had the neighbors over for lunch, and then they worked while I got to visit for a bit with my friend!

They wrote in their journals, Bubba worked on his story (handwriting) and Lou did too (She is just starting one like Bubba's) Bubba also did 2 pages in his Grammer book and Lou worked on 2 pages of her handwriting pages, which double as history pages where she recited to us where Congress and the Senate meet. It was cool!

Then I had them find the Utah map, and they mapped out 2 different ways to take a Christmas present for my cousin to her one of these days soon for a field trip. Bubba gets to tell us where to turn, and we will see how long it takes us to get there! We are going to review more map tomorrow and see if we can discover a coal mine community we can visit here soon! *grin*